broom писал(а): ↑17.02.2012 14:25
freerdp не пробовали?
Спасибо за подсказку!
Попробовал и пишу подробности:
0. удалил пакет freerdp-x11, установленный из репозитария, т.к. с ним не работает всё равно. пробовал так запускать:
Код: Выделить всё
$ xfreerdp -u xxxxxxxxxxx -k common -g 1024x768 --plugin rdpdr --data serial:COM1:/dev/ttyS0 --
1. Закачал с git последнюю версию исходника
Код: Выделить всё
$ git clone
2. Собирал с флагами отладки, руководствуясь ссылками:
2.1. cmake делал так:
Код: Выделить всё
2.3. когда поставил, по первой ссылке п.2, пришлось выйти-войти в терминал, ибо не хотело запускаться почему-то, ища бинарник по старому пути, по которому был бинарник из репозитория
2.4. сообщение о версии собранного бинарника
$ xfreerdp --version
This is FreeRDP version 1.0.1
3. собственно запуск и отладочные сообщения (пускал, как указано в п.0)
3.1. сразу после запуска
Код: Выделить всё
loading plugin rdpdr
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_init_event (332): event 0
connected to
connected to
connected to
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_init_event (332): event 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 12 totalLength 12 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_thread_func (254): in
DBG_SVC devman_register_device (64): device 1.COM1 registered
DBG_SVC rdpdr_process_server_announce_request (72): version 1.10 clientID 65535
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 12
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 48
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 84 totalLength 84 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 12 totalLength 12 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 84
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 8
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
3.2. после ввода пароля
Код: Выделить всё
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 3
registered device #1: COM1 (type=1 id=1)
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 33
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 12 totalLength 12 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC rdpdr_process_receive (275): RDPDR_CTYP_CORE / PAKID_CORE_DEVICE_REPLY (deviceID=1 status=0x00000000)
3.3. запустил программу test scan из виндузового пакета Symbol OPOS Driver для работы с COM-портом
-- тишина --
3.3.1. команда открыть порт (Open Service Object...)
Код: Выделить всё
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 0 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0x0 MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_new (466): tty fd 20 successfully opened
DBG_SVC tty_get_termios (611): tcgetattr? 1
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_create (107): /dev/ttyS0(2) created.
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 0 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 21
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 0 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 60 totalLength 60 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (214): SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK 1
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 64 totalLength 64 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (107): SERIAL_SET_QUEUE_SIZE in 1024 out 1024
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 60 totalLength 60 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (297): SERIAL_PURGE purge_mask F
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (308): Ignoring SERIAL_PURGE_TXCLEAR
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (310): Ignoring SERIAL_PURGE_RXCLEAR
DBG_SVC serial_abort_single_io (435): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_abort_single_io (477): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_abort_single_io (435): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_abort_single_io (477): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 76 totalLength 76 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (190): SERIAL_SET_TIMEOUTS read timeout 5 0 20
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (101): SERIAL_GET_BAUD_RATE 9600
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 24
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (120): SERIAL_GET_LINE_CONTROL
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 23
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (140): SERIAL_GET_CHARS
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 26
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC tty_get_termios (611): tcgetattr? 1
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (159): IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_HANDFLOW 80000001 40 0 0
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 36
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (101): SERIAL_GET_BAUD_RATE 9600
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 24
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (120): SERIAL_GET_LINE_CONTROL
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 23
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (140): SERIAL_GET_CHARS
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 26
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC tty_get_termios (611): tcgetattr? 1
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (159): IOCTL_SERIAL_GET_HANDFLOW 80000001 40 0 0
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 36
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 60 totalLength 60 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC tty_set_termios (761): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (95): SERIAL_SET_BAUD_RATE 9600
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (242): SERIAL_CLR_RTS
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (218): SERIAL_SET_DTR
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 59 totalLength 59 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC tty_set_termios (761): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (116): SERIAL_SET_LINE_CONTROL stop 0 parity 0 word 8
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 62 totalLength 62 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (146): SERIAL_SET_CHARS
DBG_SVC tty_set_termios (761): in
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 72 totalLength 72 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (168): IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_HANDFLOW 80000001 8 64 64
DBG_SVC tty_set_termios (761): in
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (218): SERIAL_SET_DTR
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 60 totalLength 60 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (297): SERIAL_PURGE purge_mask 8
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (310): Ignoring SERIAL_PURGE_RXCLEAR
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (319): SERIAL_WAIT_ON_MASK 1
DBG_SVC serial_tty_get_event (513): in
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 1
DBG_SVC serial_tty_get_event (513): in
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 2 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 1
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (234): SERIAL_SET_RTS
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 2
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 2
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 1
DBG_SVC serial_tty_get_event (513): in
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
3.3.2. команда Enable Scan
Код: Выделить всё
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 2 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 1
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (234): SERIAL_SET_RTS
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 2
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 2
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 1
DBG_SVC serial_tty_get_event (513): in
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
3.3.3. стреляю пистолетом по штрихкоду
-- тишина --
3.3.4. закрываю программу (Close)
Код: Выделить всё
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 2 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 1
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (242): SERIAL_CLR_RTS
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 2
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 2
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 1
DBG_SVC serial_tty_get_event (513): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_get_event (530): bytes 154
DBG_SVC serial_tty_get_event (552): SERIAL_EV_RXCHAR bytes 154
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (500): got event result 1
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 24
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 60 totalLength 60 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (297): SERIAL_PURGE purge_mask F
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (308): Ignoring SERIAL_PURGE_TXCLEAR
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (310): Ignoring SERIAL_PURGE_RXCLEAR
DBG_SVC serial_abort_single_io (435): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_abort_single_io (477): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_abort_single_io (435): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_abort_single_io (477): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (226): SERIAL_CLR_DTR
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 60 totalLength 60 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0xE MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 14
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_device_control (236): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (86): in
DBG_SVC serial_tty_control (214): SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK 0
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 20
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 10 dataLength 56 totalLength 56 dataFlags 3
DBG_SVC irp_new (94): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1 MajorFunction 0x2 MinorFunction 0x0
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp (269): MajorFunction 2
DBG_SVC serial_process_irp_close (130): /dev/ttyS0(2) closed.
DBG_SVC serial_tty_free (439): in
DBG_SVC irp_complete (47): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_send (385): length 21
DBG_SVC irp_free (36): DeviceId 1 FileId 2 CompletionId 1
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (489): [in] pending size 0
DBG_SVC serial_check_for_events (518): [out] pending size 0
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_open_event (200): openHandle 1 event 11 dataLength 4 totalLength 4 dataFlags 0
3.4. завершаю терминальный сеанс
Код: Выделить всё
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_init_event (332): event 4
DBG_SVC svc_plugin_thread_func (277): out
DBG_SVC serial_free (375): freeing device
т.е. результат -- нуль
всё делалось на том же хосте и железе, на котором rdesktop версии 1.7.1 подавал хоть какие то признаки жизни, выдавая на экран -- после манипуляции с мышью -- считанный код, и после игр со свежесобранным freerdp еще раз на всякий случай проверил функциональность rdesktop.