[root@alt init.d]# ./iptables stop
Setting chains policy to ACCEPT: mangle nat filter [ DONE ]
Flushing firewall rules: mangle nat filter [ DONE ]
Removing user defined chains: mangle nat filter [ DONE ]
Zeroing packet and byte counters: mangle nat filter [ DONE ]
Unloading module iptable_mangle: [ DONE ]
Unloading module iptable_nat: [ DONE ]
Unloading module iptable_filter: FATAL: Module iptable_filter not found.
[root@alt init.d]# ./iptables start
iptables firewall is not configured [PASSED]
[root@alt init.d]# ./iptables stop
Setting chains policy to ACCEPT: filter [ DONE ]
Flushing firewall rules: filter [ DONE ]
Removing user defined chains: filter [ DONE ]
Zeroing packet and byte counters: filter [ DONE ]
Unloading module iptable_filter: FATAL: Module iptable_filter not found.
[root@alt init.d]# ./iptables start
iptables firewall is not configured [PASSED]
[root@alt init.d]# iptables -L
bash: iptables: команда не найдена
[root@alt init.d]#
Скажите в какой файл я могу записать свои правила для iptables и чтобы они запускались у меня во время загрузки.
Просветите плиз, хотя бы фаер запустить